The Mechanics of Energy Sessions

Many can attest to their experiences of feeling unease in the head or gut when having to be in close physical proximity to someone who is very stressed. These sensitive individuals feel their friend’s or relative’s or patient’s stress and some will actually say they absorb the stress. Of course, there is no advanced instrument that can measure the degree to which this stressed energy is “absorbed” by the individual. Is this energy emotional energy or is it at some other deeper level? What is well documented is that some rare individuals, who are called healers, can actually take on the illness of others. The illness can be physical or mental or emotional or deeper. There is no degree in healing and you don’t actually have to be called a “healer” to actually take on others’ illnesses.

While it is difficult to communicate or explain, this is actually well-documented in the literature. As the effectiveness of energy healing becomes more mainstream, you can find articles everywhere discussing the process.

What I do as a healer is to maximize the process of absorbing stress, absorbing the illness of others. I absorb major energetic blocks or issues plus a broad spectrum of stress that are lodged in the individual’s system, that are causing emotional or mental or spiritual disease. This is my specialty, taking on these stresses or blocks. Though I do not actually take on the symptoms of physical disease, I can profoundly help with alleviating the symptoms of physical illnesses as most physical illnesses are caused by deeper energetic blocks.

This twisted and negative energy or blocks are very real and palpable, especially to those that are sensitive. My expertise is in being able to process this very toxic energy. There is no device that can detect or measure or study this toxic energy, but 100’s of my clients will tell you that they feel lighter and freer and more full after I take on these issues or energetic blocks. And what is more important is that once these energetic blocks are removed, this allows for the real growth of the individual to take place. Energy sessions can then be offered to the individual to open up and expand and deepen their systems so that they can become who they truly are.

Holistic intuition is crucial as only after identifying the precise issue(s) can they be absorbed. Usually, I start feeling the twisted energy from a client’s head or heart or gut come into my head or heart or gut once I identify the precise issue or block in the client and where that issue is located. Then a formal session absorbs the entire issue.

How does the healing take place? When a house is flooded due to a rainstorm, pumps are used to pump the water and mud into the street. When due to trauma or internal conflict or fear or anger or a wide range of issues or stress inhabit one’s own internal “house”, some program of “pumping” out the issues and stress is needed. After decades of meditation, introspection, purification, service, and allowing myself to go through the intensity of many experiences, I began to notice quite innocently starting around 12 years ago that I was taking on the stress of people I was physically with. And ever since this started, the more stress I take on the greater my ability has been to easily take on more and more larger issues and stresses. The twisted energy of the issues or stress is like the water and mud. I am the pump. The twisted energy then gets processed and moved to where it can no longer do any harm.

In my experience physical and mental illness is usually due to a combination of different energetic issues plus perhaps some actual physical causes. All these causes need to be addressed. This is my profession, as an energy healer, to address causes on all levels.

One of my client’s is an acupuncturist. She has learned the exact technique of using needles to reset and open up the meridian’s of the body so that energy flows through these meridians. The meridians flow into all the organs of the body as well as into the extremities. If there are blocks in the meridians then flow is impeded and problems can arise, even causing physical disease. Energy flow is everything, actually. The whole body is nothing but energy. The mind and emotions and deeper aspects of ourselves are all energy as well. My energy sessions to a much deeper level unblock energy so that the flow can bring us to our real selves and actualize our real potential for happiness and fullness. To give examples of levels of blockages, if the lymphatic channels are blocked, you can develop edema, or fluid in the interstitial spaces of your tissues. If the flow of energy down a nerve is blocked, you can feel numbness or pain in an extremity. If there is fear blocking the heart energy center, then love does not flow as deeply or fully. If there is a self-centeredness that blocks a deeper level in the system, then more sublime levels of energy are not allowed to flow into your life. My own personal and professional experience is that the first level to bring into one’s life is peace. Then the next level to reach is silence. Then comes many levels of awe and beauty and love. But then there are hundreds or thousands of levels that are much deeper than this. The deeper the level, the subtler are the blocks, the subtler has to be the pump, and the more sublime the energy that can be experienced and lived as a result of being cleaned out at this level. It is a process that can take place much faster than you would think. The pump is the key along with clarity of vision to see what needs to be pumped out.


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