Evolution of the Soul
Is soul evolution the only path to spiritual evolution?
The answer is “no”.
There are four other paths and each path is complementary to the others.
The Other Four Paths:
1) This is the path of bringing the mind and soul and senses and heart and emotions to the depths of Being within. Dr. Jay will identify and then absorb all the blocks and stresses in the way of reaching these depths of Being within. Dr. Jay will then connect all your energy centers to the depths of Being so that Being will then progressively and successively move into all aspects of your life, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The soul benefits most from being connected energetically to the depths of your Being.
2) This is the path of surrender. There are 25 levels of surrender and each level of surrender is a key to open a very profound door of spiritual energy or level of spiritual experience. Once the door is open, the spiritual energy can then come flooding in. Either Dr. Jay or someone who he has trained to be a DET energy specialist are capable of giving you the energy of surrender at each of the 25 levels to speed up your spiritual journey.
3) Love is another path of spiritual evolution. We love individuals, then we can love cities or countries, and then we can love the Universe or God. In all these forms of love, you are loving someone or something other than yourself. The real path of Love is to become Love itself, when the lover, loving, and the object of love become one. There are 12 or 13 levels of or steps to becoming Love itself. If love has not become a deep desire of the soul, then for that person there are 13 levels or steps. If love is already a deep desire of the soul, then for you there are 12 steps or levels to becoming Love itself. Dr. Jay will happily assist you on this path as well. Keep in mind that surrender and love at their core are the same. In other words, at deeper levels of surrender, love is always present. And as you get closer to becoming Love itself, then surrender to a large degree has already been reached.
4) There is a fourth path and this is the path of going beyond the mind. The mind is like a whirlpool in an ocean. If you can step by step reduce the energy of the whirlpool and merge more with the ocean rather than the whirlpool, one can expand and go beyond the limits of the mind. At first as one merges more with the Ocean, one will probably experience a reduction in the capacity of the mind to remember insignificant facts or ideas or thoughts. Later on in the process, one learns to have the Ocean be your mind and your ability to remember everything then improves. This path is also assisted by Dr. Jay.
Some will want to go down all five paths at the same time and that is great. There will be others who are only interested in one path and that is great. And others will not be at all interested in soul or spiritual evolution and will simply want their anxiety or depression or physical illness or addiction eliminated. Every DET program from Your World Inside is available. It is up to you to decide what you want.
What is the Ocean? What are its levels? It is inside all of us or outside of us or both?
First, here is the rundown of all the levels of energy that exist independently of humans:
Love of Beauty
Love of the Mind and Intellect
Love of Values and Principles
Love of Country
Love of Truth
Love of the Spiritual Journey
The 16 levels of the Celestial
Cosmic hum Seeing angels
Seeing the gods and goddesses
Seeing the color white
Seeing the color gold
Seeing the color blue
Feeling exhilaration from the breath
Feeling incredibly strong subjectively
Feeling that everything is perfect just the way it is\
Feeling that many things happening to you are clear messages for you
Hearing clear messages from within
Feeling and almost seeing that everything around you is displaying incredible intelligence
Feeling and seeing that everything is within you
The deepest level of the Celestial is infinite Love.
The next level is Absolute Love. If you combine Absolute Love with the Absolute state of the mind, samadhi, where you are totally awake but there are no thoughts, no activity of the mind, then this is the surface of an Ocean that is 16 miles deep. It is a metaphor but it accurately describes how there are progressively deeper levels to be fathomed. The next level below the surface is called Kaivalya. Below this is Being/Non-Being. And there are many, many levels below this.
And then finally, the ultimate truth is that all these levels including the entire universe is within us. But the key is expanding enough and diving down so deeply that who we are includes all these levels and the entire universe.