Terms and Conditions

This is an agreement between myself (the client) and Dr. Jay and any other energy specialists (the practitioners) concerning the Deep Energy TransformationSM (DET) sessions and upon submitting this agreement the client agrees to all terms laid out in this agreement.

1. I authorize and request my practitioner to carry out DET. I understand the process of these sessions will be explained to me upon my request and that they are subject to my agreement. DET includes energy sessions and educational intuitive readings. I also understand that while the course of my DET is designed to be helpful, my practitioner can make no guarantees about the outcome of my DET.

2. I am at least 18 years old, the age of consent to make any decisions as to my person and treatment.

3. I understand that as part of the DET the practitioners may make an assessment of my energy system and may communicate to me the underlying energetic problems and may provide shamanic healing and may provide direct energy healing. The practitioner may make dietary or natural supplement or behavioral recommendations in order to address these problems. All of this is done remotely with Dr. Jay but is provided in person with other practitioners. I understand that the state of New York does not offer a license specifically mentioning the practice of energy healing and energy healing is not specifically regulated by any federal or state regulatory agency in the USA. I understand that the practitioners are not acting as a physician and that the practitioners’ services as an energy healer are not licensed. I further understand that the practitioner is not being paid to diagnose illness, make recommendations involving pharmaceutical drugs or surgery, or handle medical emergencies. 

4. A particular DET is typically scheduled to be 30-60 minutes in length for Dr. Jay and 20-40 minutes for other practitioners. During this time the practitioner will discuss my concerns and reasons for consultation, and review what has occurred since the previous session, if applicable. I am expected to provide accurate and complete information that will assist the practitioner in assessing my current energetic system. 

5. Results of DET are often apparent as time progresses after the actual session. Each experience is highly individual, and no particular results are expected or guaranteed. I may have a different experience every time. I may seek energy healing because I want to balance the body, mind, spirit, and emotions, because I wish to explore the energetic field correlations of a particular disease or problem, or because I hope to gain a broader perspective on my system than just the analytical, linear mind perspective. I may wish to use energy healing to achieve wellness. In all cases, the intention is to form a co-creative process so that both the practitioners and myself are working together. It is expected that I am beginning DET and am ready to commit to a process over time and will come for additional sessions, if needed. Although DET may have profound effects in individual cases, it is not considered medical in nature or a substitute for medical treatment. No guarantees can be made for DET and it is recommended that I seek medical treatment and/or evaluation for any medical conditions in addition to DET. Energy healing is not a substitute for indicated medical treatment or medical evaluation. Energy healing is not intended for clients who are having a medical or psychiatric crisis.

6. It is my responsibility to notify the Practitioners of any current medical conditions, psychiatric conditions, and medications. I understand that DET is intended to help me energetically and any medical or psychiatric issue or condition that occurs during or after the DET is not the responsibility of the practitioners. While these sessions are generally gentle and considered non-invasive, it is possible that physical and emotional after-effects may occur when my energies have been adjusted. In addition, the practitioner will not be held liable for any information withheld by me as to my medical or emotional conditions. I will not hold the practitioners responsible or seek compensation for any injury or illness suffered by me caused in whole or in part by my participation in this session or in future sessions.

7. Receiving an DET will not interfere or replace traditional medical or psychiatric care but can enhance other medical/psychiatric treatments. Therefore, clients under current medical or psychiatric care should not stop treatments or medication without advice of their physician/psychiatrist. The practitioner does not purport to diagnose or treat disease or act as your physician. This DET is not offered as a replacement or substitute for health care treatment with a licensed and qualified health-care provider, but rather as an optional, complementary service. I understand this session/reading is not psychotherapy. As such, the practitioner does not offer diagnosis, treatment or cure for any disorder or illness. It is my full responsibility to seek medical advice and opinion from my primary care physician (or other qualified health care provider as appropriate) regarding regular assessment and routine monitoring of my physical and mental health or if I have symptoms that are distressing. Effective DET requires a partnership between the practitioner and myself. Achieving body/mind well-being is the responsibility of both myself and the practitioner. The practitioners will in many cases help me develop new energy habits to substitute for less useful ones. My role in this partnership is to make a strong commitment to work to achieve the goal of energy balance. This includes doing possible homework between sessions and the regular practice of energy exercises that may be recommended for specific energetic results.

8. For maximum benefit, it is recommended that I do not consume any alcohol, caffeine, energy drink, nicotine or very spicy foods and practice moderation in exercise, work and temperature 12 hours prior and 12 hours after a DET.

9. Any communication via email or cell phone may not be secure, so the practitioner will assume that I have made an informed decision when using these communication channels to provide information and are taking the risk of such communication being intercepted.

10. It may be necessary at times for the practitioners to leave or send me a message at the phone numbers and email addresses I provide. By supplying the practitioner with specific phone numbers and email addresses, I authorize the practitioner to leave messages for or send messages to me.

11. All information between practitioner and myself are held strictly confidential. There are legal exceptions to this:

a. The client authorizes a release of information with a signature.

b. The client presents as a physical danger to self or others.

c. Abuse and/or neglect are suspected.

d. The client is under criminal investigation and a subpoena by a court of law has been issued for information on the client.

In the case of #b or #c above, the practitioner is required by law to inform potential victims and legal authorities so that protective measures can be taken.

My records, files, personal information and experiences during the sessions are kept strictly private and confidential by the practitioners. All session notes and relevant information about my case are kept completely private. After a period of 5 years from the date of suspension of my services/sessions, the practitioners may shred and destroy my records and copies relating to my participation in energy consultations/sessions.

12. I understand that I am responsible for payment of all fees prior to the day of service. I will be informed of the fee well before the actual DET. I agree to pay for all services rendered via PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle. I understand that energy healing and educational intuitive readings are not reimbursable by insurance.

13. I am expected to be available by phone on the agreed upon appointment date and time. If I am 15 minutes or more tardy, then I will be charged for this time accordingly. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to appointment; otherwise, I will be responsible for full cost of session. Should there be an emergency, no charge will be made; however, proof of said emergency will be required to void payment requirement. It is important that I am on time for my appointment. If I am running late, please inform the practitioner a.s.a.p. – the practitioners will accommodate me as much as is possible, however, time may be lost from my session, and the remaining time may not be sufficient to address all the issues of my consultation. If the practitioner is late for a session, the practitioners will, likewise, extend the session if schedules permit, or the practitioners will make other arrangements.


14. The practitioners reserve the right to refuse any session without providing a reason and can cancel said session at any time. Any payment made prior to a session that is canceled by the practitioners will be refunded in full.

By signing and submitting below, I certify that I have read and understand this agreement and have full knowledge of its meaning and effect. If I violate the agreement, I know that the practitioners may discontinue sessions.

Signing this Informed Consent Form means I agree to the above terms. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction regarding my practitioners’ background, the healing session, and what I might expect from this session. I wish to receive a DET session(s).

I understand that it is recommended that I keep a copy of this consent form for my records. I confirm my acknowledgement and acceptance of the above statements: