DET Healer Program Requirements

The person who is desirous of becoming a healer needs to agree to the following:

1) To strongly encourage every recipient of a healing session to spread the word to friends and family about the successful healing

2) To perform the healing session outside where there is no ceiling/roof or walls

3) To inform every recipient of a healing session that they are to fast on no water or drinks or food for 12 hours after the session

4) To expect that after one or more healing sessions, the healer will start to desire a permanent connection to a deep level of Being; Your World Inside will bring you to this state if you desire it

5) The healer will have to charge $1000 for every healing session even if it is for friends or family; 50% goes to the healer and 50% goes to Your World Inside. Free sessions are not allowed at this time but 10% of sessions can be given pro bono starting in 6 to 12 months. Healers will probably want to give sessions for free to friends and family but the $500 that the healer would make can be given back to the recipient of the healing so, in effect, the friend or family member would only need to pay the healer $500.

6) If a person who has been trained as a DET healer finds that their sessions are ineffective, then Your World Inside will refund your $1000.

7) It will take 12 hours to 4 days for the full effect of the healing to take place. If someone has received a healing but there is absolutely no benefit from the healing, then Your World Inside will also refund the $1000 that a recipient pays.

8) For very severe conditions, e.g. paralysis due to injury, if there is no benefit 1 week post session, then the $1000 is refunded. However, if there is some benefit after 1 week post session, then the client will need to pay for more sessions at the same rate.

You will receive in Manhattan, New York the energy to heal physical and mental/emotions conditions from Dr. Jay. A person must receive the energy in person from Dr. Jay.