DET Program For Anxiety

DET and Anxiety

DET, a profound and new method of energy healing, was developed by Donn Wiedershine, MD, a psychiatrist of 39 years. DET is capable of removing the very root causes of anxiety without medication or supplements or behavioral techniques. The power of DET is in addressing anxiety by precisely identifying the causes and then removing these causes very quickly—in 1 to 2 sessions. Then sessions are provided to bring in the energy of peace and silence deep into the system.

What Can You Expect?

Stress and fear are blocks that prevent the full experience of joy and happiness and fulfillment. DET is marvelously effective in removing stress and fear.

One of the most common benefits of DET over the past few years in general has been calmness and a feeling of being centered and grounded.

Program Details

  • An initial evaluation session with Dr. Wiedershine

  • Two(2) sessions to remove the causes of the anxiety

  • Two(2) sessions to bring in peace and silence

  • If there are physical causes of the anxiety, recommendations are given to address these causes, as well.

  • Cost is $1000

    *Additional sessions to expand the benefits of these 4 sessions is $250 per session.